My Games Album!

This is where I'll be organizing screenshots from some of my favorite games! I have a habit of taking a lot of photos as I play ':D

(Note to future me, grab individual stats for number of clears with main weapons for Hades I + II)

Games List

Game Title Start/ Finish Date Total Hours Additional Thoughts
Hades I 09.24.21/03.31.21 210.2 Mained twin fists and sword
Hades II 12.29.24/ --- 33.5 Mained sister blades and flames
Disco Elysium 05.17.24/ 06.14.24 25.3 Prime stat was volition (Which I ended up not really needing...)
Inscryption 06.20.23/ 06.28.23 31.3 A lot of these extra hours are from playing Kaycee's Mod ':D I still haven't cleared lvl 3...
Undertale 11.05.24/ --- 3.3 I think it's funny that I hadn't played this game until nearly ten years after its release :)

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